Love Nature: The Biophilia PodcastNatural Sciences

Love Nature: The Biophilia Podcast

Love Nature

Nature’s Wild Ideas

Sat, 10 Dec 2022

Kristy Hamilton is a science journalist and author of "Nature’s Wild Ideas: How the Natural World is Inspiring Scientific Innovation," recently published this October. Hamilton’s passionate pursuits and insatiable curiosity have led her all over the globe to investigate natural settings to uncover how living things are interconnected and how even the smallest species among us can offer major breakthroughs for conservation and the environmental issues of our time.

The Music of Climate Change, Part 2

Wed, 30 Nov 2022

We’re back with Dr. Kirsten Paige, Assistant Professor of Musicology at NC State University for a deep dive into opera. High notes, dramatic costuming and illustrious sets may come to mind when thinking of opera, but what can it teach us about the history of our planet and climate change? Tune in to find out. Plus, discover which natural space is Dr. Paige’s favorite. (Spoiler: it includes picnicking with cows!)

The Music of Climate Change

Wed, 16 Nov 2022

Welcome back to the fourth season of the "Love Nature" podcast. Join us for part one of our conversation with Dr. Kirsten Paige, an Assistant Professor of Musicology at NC State University. Dr. Paige’s work explores how scientific and environmental knowledge reshaped musical practices and cultures of the 19th and 20th centuries. She also has a strong interest in how music can offer collaborative responses to the climate crisis and address the inequalities brought on by it. Plus, learn what "soundwalking" is and how you can experience it!

Sounds of the Natural World, Pt. 2

Wed, 10 Aug 2022

Musician, author, and naturalist, Dr. Bernie Krause, returns for the season three finale of the Love Nature podcast. Krause discusses how relaying natural themes through art can increase impact and raise human awareness about the environmental issues of our time. Krause also plays illuminating soundscapes of social communication among a herd of forest elephants and the first “silent spring” in Northern California following an extended period of drought. Don’t miss this season's compelling conclusion.

Sounds of the Natural World, Pt. 1

Wed, 27 Jul 2022

Join us for the first part of our dynamic conversation with musician, author and naturalist, Dr. Bernie Krause, one the world’s leading experts in natural sound and soundscapes — the sounds that reach human ears. Krause discusses his origins as a violinist-turned-guitarist, which led to him helping introduce the synthesizer in pop music and film, including collaborations with Motown Records and the legendary Hollywood director, Francis Ford Coppola. Later, Krause left the entertainment industry to obtain a PhD in bioacoustics, traveling the world to record, archive and share the voices of the natural world.

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